First, a poem: CRAVE (w/Jimmy Thomas) Then, a story to come…

As you know, I wrote this poem to enhance your reading experience of TRINITY. Today, I was looking through photos in a folder and saw Jimmy Thomas’ that I bought to make trading cards with when he was my original Michael. I thought I’d honor him today, by blending my poem and his photo. Just imagine him saying these words to you! I know that one of these days he will make it back on one of my  covers for good. Thanks for staying a friend, Jimmy! Everyone, here’s CRAVE… and Jimmy.  Enjoy! ~ Deena

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Leanne says:

    HOLY HOT POEM WOMAN!!!!!! Wow!*Fanning myself*

  2. Deena Remiel says:

    Thank you , Leanne! 😀 It’s my pleasure to deliver….

  3. Wow, what a poem……Hot….

    1. deenaremiel says:

      Thanks, Savannah! My job is done! lol

  4. Kristina H says:

    *fans self* Love it, Deena! 🙂

    1. deenaremiel says:

      I tell ya, with the way things are going, stores are gonna be running out of fans! lol Thanks so much, Kristina! 😀

  5. Lisa says:

    Wow!!……I just downloaded this on to my Desktop.

    1. deenaremiel says:

      What an awesome idea, Lisa! Ha ha! I Love it! And so do you, apparently. lol Enjoy! 😀

  6. Karen C says:

    The stores may run out of fans, but with writing like that, you won’t!! Picture of Jimmy isn’t bad, either. ;o)

    1. deenaremiel says:

      You are the sweetest! Thanks! 😀

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